Windows Installer 1619

I was recently working with NullSoft Installer System (NSIS), and I came across a peculiar issue. I was using the below code to run an prerequisite installer.

ExecWait "msiexec /i runtime.msi" $0

However upon printing out the value of $0 immediately after the ExecWait command, it read 1619. Under successful conditions, it would return 0. I did some googling, and came across the following post.
In it, they explain that it is most likely a permissions or access issue. However in my case, the file didn’t exist due to a previous error in my install script.

This lead to misdirection and a great deal of frustration. This may seem obvious, but install scripts have a special way of getting your head turned around.

I am sharing this to prevent others from getting burned by the same ambiguous error code.

No, Thank you GnuWin32

I created an automated build process which facilitated the creation of incremental and frequent builds. The process requests the package name from the user. In my case, the convention is Test Candidate number, which is abbreviated as TC[number].

However over time, I found myself deleting previous TC folders manually. I needed to incorporate this step into the build process.

I was presented with the Windows way or the GnuWin32 way.

Windows Way: (form this forum)

for /f "tokens=* delims= " %a in ('dir/b/ad ^| find "TC"') do (rd /s /q %a)

GnuWin32 Way: (from GnuWin32)

"%ProgramFiles%\GnuWin32\bin\rm.exe" -v -r -d -f TC*

Which seems like it would be easier for someone else to understand? I chose the GnuWin32 way.